Cambridge CXN V2 or Innuos Pulse Mini?

These two streamers popped up in a few recent threads and got me thinking about upgrading my Bluesound Node, so I would appreciate some advice.

Both are in the $1200 range which is about all I’m willing to spend on digital at this time, so I’m wondering which one I should get and will the difference in SQ be significant, or should I stay where I am for now? (My understanding is the DAC is key to good SQ, but I know zero about DAC brands/specs)

  • I stream only, mostly Tidal, then SirusXM, and I am auditioning QoBuz
  • I don’t care about MQA
  • I don’t need file storage or CD ripping
  • I’m reasonably happy with the BluOS app
  • Better library / favorites management would be nice
  • Input is ethernet cable
  • Output is analogue / RCA

Thank you!



I’m not familiar with the components you have, so I can’t really judge if the Node is actually the weakest link.

An honest statement - but to put in perspective, the Node is 1.5% of the total investment. (I realize cost isn't everything but the rest of the system is pretty sweet)

I've decided to add the Black Ice tube external DAC to the Node - they offer a 45 day no risk trial.

Thanks a lot for the link to the Node PSU upgrade - I will definitely take a hard look at it. Voiding the warranty is a minor concern. btw I emailed back and forth with Alvin as the Denafrip ARES 12th was on my short list. He seems honest and definitely responsive. I may end up with the Dena if the Black Ice doesn't do it for me. 

A correction to my last post.  The video from Vinshine Audio is about an LPS upgrade that apparently is made neither by them/Denafrips or by Bluesound.


I thought about moving away from the Node and ended up getting a better DAC and a better USB cable.