Can a power cord increase the resolution of an Class D (SMPS) amp by more than 5% ?

5% in relation to a stock power cord.

I can’t really trust dealer comments. I am more interested in reports from audiophiles. 
Whats your story? Did you manage to increase speed and resolution of your amp ? (without losses in the bass area)
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Well, since I don't want cables that act like diodes, I'll avoid their garbage at all cost.

>>>>If you’re happy with the status quo then I’m happy, too. Everyone has to be somewhere. 
What's bad about it?  These are 500w/ch fairly high  current amps.   Every other much less powerful Class A/B amp I've had prior flipped the breakers much more easily.   If not for the efficiency I would have a real challange most likely. 
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Numbers are bad. They show so convincingly that there is so little gain in so much investment. If you are lucky.