Can anybody be a speaker designer?

I have a suspicion that anybody can be a speaker designer. There is no right or wrong way to do a speaker. Tekton uses multiple tweeters whereas most only use one. Heck I could do a speaker with 100 woofers and nobody could prove me wrong.

Is speaker design the easiest profession to get into?

It requires no qualifications. It is not REGULATED. And it can potentially make you rich. Have I answered my own question?
Is @kenjit for real?  While most here are teaching, learning, helping each other out, seems @kenjit is yanking our chains for his own amusement.  If a child craves attention he often acts up to get it - an immature trait in adults.  

I often pondered, "Why do malicious people enjoy causing others discomfort/harm?"  I've concluded:  The need to feel in control likely stemming from deep disturbing feeling that he is not in control.  People, things, and/or situations are controlling him and he feels helpless.  Not wanting to be a victim any longer, he turns to be the controlling aggressor.  

@kenjit - it's insulting to insatiate that most audiophiles are duped by marketing  tactics - most of us use our ears to evaluate sonic quality and our heads to evaluate price/performance and the quality of the component.  We do not part with our hard earned money so easily.
Kenjit you constantly besmirch the reputations of all speaker companies, stating that they all knowingly rip-off their customers. How is that level of trolling even allowed on here?  Clearly you have not listened to all the top performing brands. That’s obvious. Don’t lie. You have not heard ANY of the best designs I’m betting. Yet you conclude they are all bad because you THINK there are design flaws is each. What a waste of everyone’s time to hear you complain about poor performing speakers you’ve not heard. You need help. Until then I hope you get banned from this site for your trolling comments that unfairly bash speaker companies. 
“How is that level of trolling even allowed on here”


“Until then I hope you get banned from this site for your trolling comments that unfairly bash speaker companies.”

I e-mailed the moderators awhile back and shared with them about 15 comments he had made here. He got banned but only for a month.  Came back was decent for awhile now its all the same trolling.  Speakers suck, we’re all idiots.

And watch, this is the the post that will get deleted.
Speaker design is like that for sure you basically design a speaker and if it is well received you can start a company around it. It is pretty much that simple that is how all the great ones started and if you make the entire speaker yourself you really have something because people will want your drivers, cabinets, and crossovers. It can be a very lucrative business if you have a good ear and are technically savvy.