Can anyone identify the model of this speakers?

I really need experts help!
My audio-friends and me - we cannot determine the model of this speakers. I’ve looked through almost all possible images.
Presumably of German origin, early 90s.
There are no signs inside.
Inside the acoustic: Vifa speakers, Mundorf capacitors, Eagle Calypso wire.
See photos at the following link:

Thank you very much in advance, Alex
Those could be transmission line terminations. Maybe something in the Bugtussel line?
I agree that they look, (external anyway) like a modified transmission line. Can’t tell for sure without seeing the inside structure.

I was really amazed when I made my first audio sojourn to the U.K. at how many brands that I had never seen or heard of. There is A LOT of gear over there that never gets exported. Could very well be one of those.