Can anyone identify the model of this speakers?

I really need experts help!
My audio-friends and me - we cannot determine the model of this speakers. I’ve looked through almost all possible images.
Presumably of German origin, early 90s.
There are no signs inside.
Inside the acoustic: Vifa speakers, Mundorf capacitors, Eagle Calypso wire.
See photos at the following link:

Thank you very much in advance, Alex
Those could be transmission line terminations. Maybe something in the Bugtussel line?
I agree that they look, (external anyway) like a modified transmission line. Can’t tell for sure without seeing the inside structure.

I was really amazed when I made my first audio sojourn to the U.K. at how many brands that I had never seen or heard of. There is A LOT of gear over there that never gets exported. Could very well be one of those.
Two things might, MIGHT help.

Open up the back and see if the crossover is labelled, or if you can tell the manufacturer of any of the drivers. That may give a clue as to country of origin