Can anything beat Vintage Amps for the $$$?

Restored Fisher, Scott, or Eico integrated amps can all be had for under $500. Do you think any new or used, tube or SS integrated amps can compete in this price range? Any opinions?
I started thinking about this and I actually think you are right. You can buy a great vintage amp and retube it for $500. To get the same sound you would probably have to spend five times that amount. The key is for the money. Modern electronics are much better, but you have to pay for it
I agree that there are some great vintage amps out there and some can be had for a song. Some of the vintage Sony amps, particularly the Sony V-fet components of the early seventies sound silky smooth with awesome PRAT (pace-rhythm and timing). Certainly these amps and receivers are below the radar compared to the Marantz and Sansui products of the same era.

Since I am not capable of ripping the stuff apart to bring it up to spec I have chosen to go the route of finding new used tube equipment, particularly some of the better U.S assembled but sourced from China products that are starting to flood the used market. Recently purchased a used Jolida 502-B integrated with 6550 EH tubes for 750 Canadian. This amp is a blast --and no humming or worries about age related issues. Such products are not innovative and usually stick to classic well proven designs. Makes a lot of sense for tubeholics that are not well versed in the "old ways". Of course the only question is one of reliability and longevity(so far so good). In any event I think this avenue can provide those looking for bang for the buck a viable alternative. Like all things do a little homework and buy used and stick to models with a track record and you won't be disappointed.
The right vintage amp will beat anything based upon the investment requirement. It is not like an automobile where technology has improved performance and the value ratio between new and vintage favors new.

The reason, the "golden age" of analog is NOT 2006, at least not yet. It was in the late 60's through early 80's. The best equipment built then focused on analog and 2-channel stereo. Check out the internal components and build quality used on equipment such as McIntosh, Yamaha, Marantz, to name just a few. You will find everything down to the capacitors still superior by today's standards. With some minor adjustments and replacement of some caps the better vintage amps will perform like nobody's business. Maybe even replace the power cord. (THERE ARE GOOD TECHNICIANS WHO DO THIS.) This includes the phono stages in the preamps. Change out capacitors to say, black caps, and WOW! Good deal and fun to own!

This is a simplistic response but it's on point.