Can headphones ever be as good as high end stereo?

I am absolutely satisfied with the sounds of my current setup but I feel like I'm unable to listen at the volumes I prefer on a regular basis due to the ole spouse. I've been considering switching over to headphones. By selling my current speakers and amps I could easily finance stax 009 phones and a suitable amp, which seem to be regarded as the pinnacle of headphones.

My question is, what would I be losing or gaining in the switch? Right now my setup emits a beautiful wall of sound and I would hate to give that up. Understand that I have never owned a pair of headphones worth more than 80 bucks so I have no idea what good ones sounds like. Almost all source material would come from a pyon ultima table. Thanks
A rancher is a good solution.

I had my downstairs office insulated when our curent home was built so I can go in there and play as loud as I want anytime in our 3 story modern Victorian style home, but I have given thooght about what to do when the time comes to downsize. A nice rancher just might be the ticket for this and other reasons in retirement.
This component is designed to be used with headphones. When properly calibrated the soundstage will be in front of you as if you were listening to music through speakers. I had the experience of hearing it myself a few years ago and came away quite impressed. At the time I believe the cost was about $3500. They also sell the component in combination with Stax kits. If you are willing to pay $4500 for a set of headphones plus an appropriate amp to drive them which could run you at least a couple thousand more, then this may be an interesting alternative:
Schubert nailed it. You either like headphones or you don't. I don't. I bought a pair of Grado GS1000s, which give me a better sense of space than other that may have better "audiophile" sound. But remember, if you get good phones, you need a good amp and then you're into some $$$.
I've always had a much better sound quality experience from headphones than any home or car audio system. I don't have the best gear available. But I can spend a fraction of as much $$$ on headphones and get a better sound than home audio at any price point.

BTW - I have the same problem you do from my spouse and headphones was / still is my solution. After a while I got used to it. I recommend you get something that allows you physical freedom - be able to move around and do stuff with your hands while you're listening - otherwise you may resent it as much as you enjoy it.
08-28-14: David_l
I recommend you get something that allows you physical freedom - be able to move around and do stuff with your hands while you're listening.
Good point. I'll mention that on my older Stax Lambda Pro phones the cord is about 8 feet long, and I use it together with an earlier version of this 5 meter Stax extension cable, resulting in an overall length of 24 feet.

-- Al