Can I match or beat my digital, and at what cost?

Hi folks,

I had a friend bring over an old Kenwood TT ( KD1033 ) and a phone preamp, JEC it looks like. Well it sounds pretty good and has me interested in trying a vinyl setup now.
The frequency extremes and the layering aren't there that I am used to.

Say for 1k total close can I get to my current digital? I will likely buy new from my local dealer. They have Rega so I was thinking of starting with a p1.

Current system is
Audio Reserach REF2 MK2
Proceed HPA 2
Musical Fidelity A308 CR
Martin Logan Ascent
all transparent Ultra MM IC and Speaker cable.

Thanks for any advice.

Should more budget go to the table or the pre?

I am totally new to analog so yea..... My thought would be a majority of the budget, 7-800 would go to the table and 200 for a cheap pre to be upgraded later.
I agree with Bob. Your budget isn't big enough to do vinyl right. I tried 3 times and never could get what I wanted without having to spend $3k or more. Once you factor in phono stage, record cleaning system, vinyl collection, fragility of cartridges, and the cost of a good TT and arm, my Audio Aero CD player was the obvious winner. So I sold the TTs and bought CDs instead. Been super happy even after hearing my neighbor's $12,000 vinyl rig many times.

I don't think you can even get close for $1000 new. Used you can get close but you have to up your allowance a bit. I think that at $1,500 used prices you can have a fine phono system (complete). Less than that, they become more disposable/plastic.
