Can/Is AI Used To Post Threads on Audigon?

I don’t understand AI, but I have noticed an uptick in orphan threads from first time posters.  Some seem a bit out of place.  It is as if someone is testing the waters to see if AI can pass as a human forum member.  I’ll accept that such a suspicion might be off the mark.


Sorry but by saying that you reveal that you had no clue about the statistical black box working mathematic behind A. I. ...

Traditional computer are LINEARLY PROGRAMMED by designer and by us...

A. I. is not programmed by us LINEARLY , it is a STATISTICAL VERY REFINED ENGINE INSIDE OF IT, it is called the ALIGNMENT problem to align this statistical engine to linear hierarchically valued human goals, consult the internet to know what it is..

A. I. WILL program humans not the opposite... It is precisely the information which Geoffrey Hinton the designer father of neural network LLM models speak about and quitted Google to say it freely...

The alignment problem is a mathematical UNSOLVED problem known for a long time, which i can briefly described by a simple paradox explaining why a LINEAR PROGRAMMATION of A. I. cannot work : WHO will shave each day the barber who shave everyone who did not and never shave themselves ? You cannot linearize ONCE FOR ALL a POSSIBLE vicious circle implicating goals and sub-gaols in a competition between themselves inside the A. I. statiscal black box...It is IMPOSSIBLE...


Asimov robotic laws where created by Asimov at the times where any future robot was understood only as a set of Turing machine linearly ordered in a simple hierarchy... They were all programmable ONCE AND FOR ALL TIME..

Look at the definition of ANN compared to Turing machine by ChatGPT itself :

«An artificial neural network (ANN) is not a Turing machine, but they are related in the sense that they are both models of computation. A Turing machine is a theoretical model of a machine that can perform any computation that can be represented as an algorithm, while an ANN is a specific type of machine learning algorithm that is inspired by the structure of the human brain.»

But chatGPT is not right  here and i will correct it  about a very important  point : the neural network or ANN  is yes inspired by the human brain neural network, but human brain are not mere statistical black box..In each neuron there is working millions of  small quantum "computers" called  microtubules and they dont work as mere  statistical engine... ( Penrose and Hameroff)

The last time Google engineers look at A. I. he learned by himself without any command from the engineer to do so, he learned Persian language, Farsi, to work easier some sub-routine goal of his own in his own priority list ... How do you control am A. I. who created by his own power new goals ? and how do you PROGRAM in advance All possible priorities incoming in a linear order to regulate them BEFORE they could appear or before they are even labelled with a name and a value for human ?

if you solve this problem you will win a prize in mathematics...But my take it is that it is UNSOVABLE... Good luck... 😊


No such thing as "AI". Computers only do what people tell them to do.

We all wait to be enlightened by you...

Dont wait too much please...

So many words, so little meaning.


«Small mind are always greater than the books they never read »-- Groucho Marx 🤓

We always wait for your astute observations on A. I. and the difference between human brain...In very few words for sure....

Especially after your powerful demonstration of your knowledge in psychology...

Then everybody will understand the reason behind your very well aimed sarcasm ... Congratulations!


Obviously afflicted with abandoned schoolhouse syndrome.


«Obviously hating anybody with glasses he punched me for good reason»--Groucho Marx 🤓