Can Origin Live be as good as the ads say?

We've all seen the ads out here and from where I stand it looks a bit like they're selling the sizzle, not the steak. Comments from owners with real life experiences as to the quality of these products would be appreciated.
I own an Origin Live Encounter arm. It's been great for me. However, I agree with Doug that the arms are hard, not impossible, to tweak precisely. For this reason alone I am considering trying something different. If you decide to go that route and are interested in my Encounter , let me knokw.
Strangely, I have just sold my OL rig, feeling a bit troubled by it. I settled on the Resolution with an Illustrious arm, which I have used for about 3 years, very good too, good pace detail soundstaging. I agree about the lack of fine adjustment on the arm. I have ordered a TW Acustic Raven one, which I auditioned a few weeks ago, initially with the Vivid arm, ultimately the Graham Phantom, hopefully.
I have been very happy with the performance of my Encounter III.It is more dependable and less problematic than my prevoius uni-pivots.I chose this arm because it was the lowest cost model in their line to offer adjustable VTA,w/o after-market unit.A very solid performer.
What I don't get about OL tonearms, is that the angle of the up/down ivot is perpendicular to the arm. Every other tonearm I've seen has the angle running perpendicular to the needle/cartridge mount (i.e. Rega, SME &c.).
I have the encounter MkIII and it sounds great with my Garrard 401. As above, I agree that fine adjustability is not there like some other arms, but it really wasn't hard to dial this arm in. I've used multiple cartridges and moved it to different turntables without any issues. The arm is manufactured very well and is still a great deal at $1680.00. Talk to Jay at Audio Revelations about different options.