Can two subwoofers reduce a bass problem?


Once I tried to use a subwoofer in my system but my trouble with 48Hz and 127Hz got worse. Maybe I didn't tried enough to find the right place for the sub. Then I read somewhere that the use of two subwoofers could reduce the trouble with room nodes. Can this be true? Has anyone here experienced this?
Erk, I have an extra set of rca outputs on my pre which I would use to go the the stereo subs. Would I stick the minidsp between the pre and the subs? Don't need to touch the signal of the mains?
To uber and bstatmeister:

That's what I do, so long as the pre signal is controlled by your volume control.

The bad news is you have no control over the satellite's frequency response. On the other hand, you also can't mess it up.

Since the miniDSP is so flexible however, you can really tailor the sub's output for maximum integration with the satellites.

If your current satellites are ported, you may find it easier to integrate by stuffing those ports closed.

The key here though is measurement and delicacy of setting. Worthwhile reading the white papers on their site and hanging out in the Room EQ Wizard forums.  I use OmniMic for my measurements. It's a little more expensive but I love how easy everything is and the built-in DSP curve simulator. It lets me try out different curves and see them before I copy them to miniDSP.
A very interesting way to control the bass frequenzies. But sadly it's no option for me since I have an old integrated tube amp and the only outputs are those to the speakers. 
I'm looking at the REL T5i (and T Zero) because I think their high level input is the best way for me to connect the sub to an amp.
"....I'm looking at the REL T5i (and T Zero) because I think their high level input is the best way for me to connect the sub to an amp."


The High Level (Speaker) input is REL's preferred way of connecting their subwoofers and is the route I went with my T/5i. As recommended by REL, the T/5i is located in the corner behind the main speakers (KEF LS50s) and I'm very pleased with the results.

FWIW, I briefly considered using two T/Zeros for better balance but I knew that I would not be happy with the limited bass output. Besides, I can always add a second T/5i later on if I feel the need.