Honestly I don't know if there is a specific "Golden Ratio" so to speak.
However, I ended up with a 1 uF Clarity MR bypassed by a .1 uF Silver oil... So I guess a 90% to 10% worked well here, but keep in mind I also was low on my value for the crossover point and needed an additional .1 uF anyway, so if your looking to maybe keep a base cap value that you are already using for example you need a 2.2 uF and it should stay there because you do not want to shift your frequency point to much then you can go with a .01 uF to get the flavor mix.
I don't know, the smaller the better is possibly the key for a bypass as some believe, but in some cases a larger bypass depending on the application could be the way to go.
I have also used a "Battery" config in a friends speaker, which is literally one cap that is 2.2 uF then paralleled with another 2.2 uF for a total of 4.4 uF and ended up with excellent results as well...
For electronics I never liked the bypass cap results, speakers it works well if the right mix and application call for it.
Honestly I don't know if there is a specific "Golden Ratio" so to speak.
However, I ended up with a 1 uF Clarity MR bypassed by a .1 uF Silver oil... So I guess a 90% to 10% worked well here, but keep in mind I also was low on my value for the crossover point and needed an additional .1 uF anyway, so if your looking to maybe keep a base cap value that you are already using for example you need a 2.2 uF and it should stay there because you do not want to shift your frequency point to much then you can go with a .01 uF to get the flavor mix.
I don't know, the smaller the better is possibly the key for a bypass as some believe, but in some cases a larger bypass depending on the application could be the way to go.
I have also used a "Battery" config in a friends speaker, which is literally one cap that is 2.2 uF then paralleled with another 2.2 uF for a total of 4.4 uF and ended up with excellent results as well...
For electronics I never liked the bypass cap results, speakers it works well if the right mix and application call for it.