Cartridge help: Ortofon Cadenza vs. Soundsmith Paua

I recently ordered a VPI Avenger with a 12" 3d arm and need help choosing between the Ortofon Cadenza (bronze or black, though I'd lean toward the bronze because it is the warmer of the two) vs the Soundsmith Paua.  My preferences are for a sound that is not overly detailed, but smooth through entire range, warmer side of neutral, wonderful midrange, and not overly dynamic, lively, detailed where listening fatigue can set in.  

I've previously had a VPI Prime turntable and Ortofon Quintet Black.  It certainly wasn't bad but have been hearing wonderful things about Soundsmith.  My phono stage is the Zesto Andros 1.2, so loading and gain should not be an issue with either.  
"Price point" cartridge?  I don't think a $3800 cartridge or a $2300 cartridge is "price point"cartridge  nor would the majority in high end audio IMHO.  The Soundsmith is a Class A cartridge.  So unless I put a $8,000 cartridge, I'm wasting the Avenger?   
I have a Paua on my heavily modified Scoutmaster with custom "Classic 3" 9" arm from Harry. I also have a Transfiguration Proteus and a Soundsmith Zephyr on separate arms. The Paua is a stellar cartridge. In my system, it is supremely musical, very low noise floor, great resolution, and beautiful. I can listen for hours on end without any fatigue whatsoever. Unfortunately, I have not heard a Cadenza in my system, so cannot compare. 
Stringreen might have a point. Thats a big upgrade in table and tonearm, right? I would be worried about not putting a good enough cartridge for the table as well. After all, at these levels its all relative. But that also leads to other questions about your system, what speakers, what amp/pre amp, are you using? So that we can make a better observation. But, djfst I would highly consider trying out a Clearaudio cartridge at whatever price point, based on what you said you were after, they fit the bill!

Matt M
That's right.....  The top cartridges are clearly steps up....  You should be thinking Lyra Atlas, Etna, Ortofon Anna, et al.  (I would suppose the rest of your stuff is up to it as well)
My system is:

VPI Avenger
Zesto Andros 1.2 Phono Stage
Primaluna HP Integrated Amp
Sonus Faber Olympica 3 Speakers
Wywires Platinum Cables

The other issue with putting a more expensive cartridge on the table is what led me to the Avenger in the first place: the ease of adding 2 arms.  By the time I add a second arm with tower and another excellent mono cartridge, it becomes difficult to put all the money into one cartridge.  I need to spread it out.  Really, the only other option in the VPI line from the Prime is the HRX or Avenger.  There will soon be a Prime Signature out, but it will be a while probably. I'm also trying to keep some sense on this for me personally.  Some may have no issues with spending that much on a catridge, and we all have to draw the budget line somewhere on certain things.  Music is very important to me in life, but it is not the only thing.  An extra $3000 is a lot.  The main reason I sprung for the Avenger is a got a pretty good price on it.   I can live without getting every ounce out of my gear.  I won't let that diminish my enjoyment of the Avenger.  But if others want to go with the a premium price point on cartridge, more power to you!  To each his own.  But price is no indication of performance - one thing I've learned in this hobby.  Cartridges are some of the most subjective things in systems.  I personally don't like lyra cartridges at all - just no my cup of tea.  So I'd rather have a cheaper Ortofon more suited to my musical tastes/preferences than a Lyra that costs 5x the amount.  Just an example.