After further thought, here is my best hypothesis, and it really is just a 'perfect storm', for all the variables to come together.
1. Many LOMC cartridges have very wide bandwidth, out to 47kHz and maybe even beyond. So, the harmonic distortion that starts the event may begin at a very high inaudible frequency.
2. For capacitors used in audio such as Elna, Nichion, etc, a 25V, 4.7uF capacitor may only be rated 25mA, but this rating is at 120Hz. There is a Coefficient of Frequency for Rated Ripple Current that for higher frequencies, you can add 20% or more to the rating. But, the capacitance can drop with higher frequency, so this all adds uncertainty. And. as I addressed in my very first post, per this very old article; the preamp design has a lot of influence on the entire circuit.
3. If the event first starts at very high inaudible frequencies, and the preamp circuit saturates, overloads, oscillates or otherwise becomes unstable, and if a current surge occurs, then the LOMC cartridge may now try to function as a moving coil instrument; "When the
moving coil instrument is connected in the circuit, the operating current flows through the coil which is mounted on the spindle. Since the coil is placed in the strong field of permanent magnets, a force is exerted on the current carrying conductors of the coil which produces deflecting torque.".
4. If item 3 above occurs, the cantilever will stiffen. The stiffening of the cantilever assembly will cause the cartridge effective compliance to decrease. If the LOMC cartridge is a medium compliance with low VTF, then it stands to reason that the cartridge will likely miss-track at audible frequencies. If the LOMC cartridge is a very low compliance (i.e. Denon DT103R) with high VTF, it may not miss-track. However, when the cartridge cantilever assembly stiffens and the effective compliance decreases, the cartridge-arm resonant frequency will increase, and this 'may' depending on the cartridge-arm combination increase the cartridge-arm mechanical resonant frequency into the audible range.