Cartridge - sweet spot on the cost/sound curve?

I think my Sumiko Blue point 2 is going. Right channel is lower sound level than right using my turntable, totally even using digital. Table is Project RPM 5 carbon that I bought as a store demo with the blue point 2 so no telling how many hrs on it.


The rest of the system is a PS audio GCPH phono pre, deHaviland Ultraverve 3, McCormack DNA 1, Martin Logan SL3s with new panels. 

I loved the warmth and focus of the blue point but am a bit back by how much they cost $500. Don’t laugh I know carts can cost thousands but I got a kid in college!


Any recommendations for something at or under that price point that is better? 


I would get an Audio Technica VM540 MM cartridge.  It sounds fantastic and comes in around $280.00.  You will not be disappointed and I think sounds better than the Blue Point Soecial.  I owned one mounted on a Rega Planer3 turntable.   I found it thin and bright.  You could look into the Grado cartridges.  They have a moving iron cartridge for around $300.00.  

I swap between a NOS Shibata stylus equipped Audio Technica  AT 12sa and a Goldring E3. Both are MM's and the cost of both together is less than $500. I use the AT cartridge for older recordings as it will reveal more detail. The Goldring is used on newer, more balanced recordings as it has a very smooth midrange.I may go for the newer E4 stylus for the Goldring, when this one wears out.

Whatever you land on, remember to give it hours and hours of break in before you form an opinion. Often, I think people decide a cartridge sucks before they have heard it perform at its best.