Cartridges: Complete Scam?

I’m very new to analog, and researching my options on forums I keep coming across the same sentiment: that past the ultra low-end cartridges, there is very little gains in actual sound quality and that all you’re getting are different styles and colorations to the sound.

So, for example, if I swapped out my $200 cartridge that came with my table for a Soundsmith, Dynavector, Oracle, etc, I may notice a small improvement in detail and dynamics, but I’m mostly just going to get a different flavor. Multiple people told me they perffered thier old vintage cartridges over modern laser-cut boron-necked diamonds.

It’s possible that these people are just desperately defending thier old junk and/or have never heard high end audio. But if what they’re saying is true, than the cartridge industry is a giant SCAM. If I blow 2.5k minimum on an Air Tight I better get a significant improvement over a $200 bundler — and if just all amounts to a different coloration, than that is a straight-up scam ripoff.

So guys — are these forums just BS-ing me here? Is it really a giant scam?
"Whether", not "wether".  Unless there's a change in the weather.
Otherwise, this thread is just BS.
"Will more expensive cartridges lead to better sound?"

Maybe yes.

Maybe no.

Has your head exploded yet?
It's getting snowing in here. 
The question reminds me the way of thinking of some new russians who're making their decision by the price. The higher the price for each component in high-end audio the better the quality (in their opinion). The only problem is that those guys never tried to find a decent components for reasonable price, they do not have time for it (maybe) and they can afford whatever price which is good for the dealers. If the higher price in audio makes someone happier than it's not always about quality. This is marketing first, it's like business class tickets. True audiophiles normally upgrade their system step by step and it takes time to compare one thing to another (it's all about experience). If you don't know what you're buying and why the price is very high then it's just stupid, maybe Raul is right. 
Unfortunately the OP just cannot seem to comprehend that it is not directly related to cost/value of components.
Sometimes it is and a collection of high $ items WILL result in stupendous SQ.
More often not it is a matter of system synergy which does not always follow any known cost form factor.
I have made many costly "upgrades" only to go backwards in SQ.
Did I scream scam at the top of my lungs?
No I regrouped and reevaluated my choices and went in a different direction.
Trial and error and much good advice on these forums have helped me achieve a semblance of sonic nirvana.
But I am content?
Heck no, that is not the way of the
""Whether", not "wether". Unless there's a change in the weather."
Thank you lewm!

"It's getting snowing in here."
Thank you chakster!

Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But the fire is so delightful,
And since we've no place to go,
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!