@rauliruegas I have to quibble a little with your assertion that it is the responsibility of tonearm manufacturers to provide universal mounting templates. While I absolutely agree that a tonearm manufacturer must provide a very precise mounting jig (i.e. to allow drilling of the mounting holes and correcty P2S -- which is btw somewhere many fall down) I question if we can expect them to provide tools to mount any cartridge. Given the vagaries in cartridge design and geometry tools such as the UNI Protractor I own (the more specialized precursor to the SMARTractor) allow one to get a much better view of the cantilever and stylus alignment -- yes you could get your own lens and set up and use it with the Mint but the UNI makes it so easy and precise it should better anything you expect from a tonearm manufacturer, and is priced accordingly.
As an aside I remember seeing one of the online retailers (maybe Music Direct) offering to give you a deluxe turntable setup using the SMARTractor (along with USB microscope for VTA, Foz for azimuth and so on) for $500 on top of the cost of a new table -- gives you a sense of what they think this service is worth
Anyway I accept that we should expect more from our arm manufacturers but there's still room for the top end tools some of us like to use
As an aside I remember seeing one of the online retailers (maybe Music Direct) offering to give you a deluxe turntable setup using the SMARTractor (along with USB microscope for VTA, Foz for azimuth and so on) for $500 on top of the cost of a new table -- gives you a sense of what they think this service is worth
Anyway I accept that we should expect more from our arm manufacturers but there's still room for the top end tools some of us like to use