Cary 306 SACD

Has anyone heard this latest cd player from Cary yet? How does it compare to the 303/300? Thanks
Sad to say, I've had the same issue with 2(TWO) 306/300. That is, occassionally locking up when trying to access the SACD layer. The second one also had a distinct, less than smooth tray movement.

Ventilation is NOT a problem, as this one is seated in the turntable place of prominence with air all around it.

Sound is great, and I'm resigned to working with Cary to work this out....but QC or design seems to be an issue here. Is
zero problems with mine.FYI...there is no 306/300....the new player is called 306 SACD.I also know 4 other people with this problems....just fantastic sound.
Have any of you 306 SACD owners tried it with their new 306 amp (500 watt class D) and preamp? What results?
Senna (Or anyone else that has heard this player): what players were you looking at before and how did they compare?
I compared the Cary 306 sacd to my analog setup.(rega p9/ruby3/cary ph302).I felt the SACD playback had better control of the frequency extremes ,poise,balance and seperation of the layers of music than my analog setup.My analog setup still has a very slight edege in terms 3d imaging and body.But only on the best vinyl recordings i.e. 45rpm recordings from analogue productions/DCC/Classic records.
The differances are so close that I just go for the or analog no preference.
Previous to the Cary the best digital I had heard was from a theta transport/gen va.So,I had not heard the very best digital players out there.However,if you go to the audio asylum forum.There are several postings my new 306 cary owners who have compared it to highend digital playback and analog.
Its definately worth auditioning....even if you have to travel a bit to find a dealer.