Cayin 265ai or Bada 3.3se

Hello, I have the upgrade bug. For my next Int Amp I'm thinking about trying one of these 2, Any opinions or insights? Listening room approx. 17ft x 22ft. Speakers Paradigm Ref. studio 60 v2 (oddly enough I can't find the effeciency rating for them) I am driving them now with a Audio refinement Complete a. This amp Seems to have enough power/loudness, just not enough punch. Thanks P.S. I Listen to female vocals, Hard rock, Pop, everything but jazz and country.
I can 2nd the Cayin. I owned the 265Ai for about a year. Its very powerful for 40 wpc and packs a good punch. The only flaw I found is it can be a little sterile if your other components are on the cool side. Do you like the presentation of the AR Complete? Is it too laid back or about right? If its too laid back or warm then I recommend the Cayin. The Cayin is not bright or fatiguing by any means so don't let me scare you off. I had Tyler Acoustics Decade speakers for reference. I have not heard the Bada so can't comment.
cayin has stunning rock solid build quality, and performance to match, could not agree more. Also add a great value and USA service, when necessary.
Yes the complete a is good. Ideally, I would like the same warmth but with more punch. Is the cayin more analytical or smooth?
Is the Cayin more analytical than the AR? Yes I would say so but its smooth in its own right. WHat is your budget?
Yes, I own Bada Purer 3.3SE and love it. I am a former owner of an Ayre K-3x pre and Aragon Palladium Mono's. I sold them for financial reasons and do not miss them at all. This integrated amp is an incredible bargain. Better sound at about 1/6 the cost. Make sure you upgrade main fuse in back with Hi-Fi fast blow fuse as this makes a big difference in performance for only about 40 dollars( you just pop it in and out of the back of the need to open it up). Wywire Juice power cord works wonders with this amp too.