CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl

No comparison, CD always sounds so cold and gritty. Vinyl is so much warmer, smoother and has better imaging and much greater depth of sound. It’s like watching the world go by through a dirty window pane when listening to a CD. Put the same LP on the turntable and Voila! Everything takes on more vibrancy, fullness and texture. 
Do you guys read TAS?  In the January 2019 issue Jonathan Valin, the hard-core analog guy at the magazine, reviewed the MSB Reference Transport and DAC.  He starts his conclusion by saying, " The guy who railed against digital is now listening happily to same."  He owns literally hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of analog gear.  The MSB gear is not cheap at around $80,000, but it is cheap compared to his analog gear.   And that's not even MSB's best DAC.   

If you're open minded at all, read the review.  If not, go on believing that you have the best sounding audio in the world.  That won't make it true though.

No need to read anything when you can hear. And if you can't hear it doesn't matter, anyway.
“It would be great if we could get past the "my format rules, yours sucks" dynamic on these forums one day.”

+1, @tomcy6. 
Geoffkait Okay, I misunderstood as I thought both sides of the square had double stick tape. It has a smooth, unsticky side which the CD rests on. Good. Also, I misspoke as to the Walker Talisman. Of course it is the magnetism problem that it alleviates as it has nothing to do with static of CD plaster or LP vinyl. I think I will try your invention. It may work. I know that eliminating stray laser light can enhance tracking ability. I’ve noticed the positive change occasionally when I use a cd edge trimmer and black sharpie (I said occasionally as I find that it is too infrequent and I really don’t want to put stress on the CD during the cutting operation).

As to colonoscopies, I have invested in MotusGi, an endoscope that does not require prep (horrible liquid consumed the day before and diet change), as it is self-irrigating and self-evacuating. It has a protective sleeve to prevent patient to patient contamination (we had an outbreak of serious bacterial infections at Cedar Sinai Med Center in Los Angeles two years ago from inadequately sterilized endoscopes). Most importantly, this FDA and EU approved new endoscope is 98% effective versus current 78% effectiveness (which may have to do with the cleanliness of the colon for the procedure).

Johnson & Johnson has a director on the BOD and I'm betting they buy the company in several years after manufacturing, marketing and distributing the endoscopes for this tiny Israeli company who have limited funding.