I wonder about using alchohol to clean a CD lens. Couldn't that leave streaks? If you smear some alchohol with a soft fabric over a glass or plastic surface you will sometimes observe streaking once it evaporates. I'd also question using Q-tips. I'd never use either on a camera lens. For laser lenses I've actually used good lens cleaning tissue with lens cleaning fluid which does not tend to streak when it evaporates (though most do contain some form of alchohol). Now I'm just operating based on conjecture and experience with camera lenses, which are coated lenses. Regardless, alchohol will streak a plain glass or plastic surface as well if allowed to evaoporate. Q-tips not only can release loose cotton fibers, but can also harbor foreign objects in those tiny nooks and crannies. Don't even think about using the ones you used on your ears and put back in the box for later use to save money!
Just my .02 cents.....add .98 cents more and you can buy yourself...well...absloutely nothing in this economy.
Just my .02 cents.....add .98 cents more and you can buy yourself...well...absloutely nothing in this economy.