CD player Vs Pre-amp

Does anybody knows a good CD player(variable output) that you can connect directly to a power amp around $1500? Or, should I just spend my hard earned money on a good pre-amp. I just got myself a good SS amp(Aleph 30), and dont't know what to do next. Listening to low/mid level jazz, vocals and acoustics in a 14X18 room, tend to be a minimalist/purist.

1. Will a direct connect CD player sound better than going thru a pre-amp?

2. If a pre-amp will sound better. Will the sound justify the cost(additional gear, inter-connect)?

3. How much cost of a pre-amp that will better a direct connect cd player?(No bells and whistle)

Help!!! going nuts.

Consonance CD Ref 2.2 (US version), Wadia 6 (or cheaper models 23) all has digital volume control.......that says you can ignore any preamp.
Wadia 830 run direct, a no-brainer. It's a little above $1500, but will give phenomenal sound without a preamp. You are going to have spend serious money to get a preamp that is good enough to compete with a Wadia run direct. Call Wadia and ask them this question, I can almost guarantee they will give you the same answer.
I've been using the Shanling CD-T100 without any preamp (I sold it!)for about a year now, and I am extremely happy with the sound I get.
Good luck!
You might want to look at the Benchmarkmedia DAC1 - - it's a very nice unit - the only thing it lacks is a remote control (which mean't I *had* to upgrade to a Levinson 390S :-)]


I use a Cary CD-308 connected directly to my amps. I think it sounds great.

I recently borrowed a highly praised $4000 tube pre-amp from a friend for a comparision. With the pre-amp in the circuit, I got slightly better dynamics, but the cost in dollars and rack space did not justify adding a pre-amp to my system.

As long as I have a single source system, it will be CD/DAC directly connected to my amps.

BTW, I have also had great results using a Theta Miles CDp(balanced version), Birdland O'deon Lite DAC, Camelot Uther Mk IV DAC connected directly to amps.
