CD players with variable output/volume control

Hi - I am a single-source guy, and I want to run a CD player directly to my poweramp. I know there are some good units out there with volume controls on the remote, but I don't know of many. Here are the ones I know of:

Xindak Muse 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
Xindak SCD-2
AH! Njoe Tjoeb 4000
Several Marantz units...

Any other moderately priced units out there? Am I crazy to want to do this? I hate preamps, especially when I only use them for the volume control...
Add the Cary 303/200 and 303/300 to your list. The 303/200 goes for around $1500-1700 used here on Audiogon. I own both units and they can run direct to the amp. I prefer the functions of the new remote, though the older remote is impressive in itself as a massive piece of high-end metal.

As for sound, in my system I preferred the 303/200 through my ARC tube preamp, though direct is also very good. The 303/300 gives you the option of switching between a tube or SS output section on the fly and at this point in my current setup, I favor the unit direct to the amp with the tube output.
Do a search, this is one of the single most popular subjects over the last 2-3 years, you'll find tons of info.
Sorry - I must have been using the wrong search words or something, because I initially came up with very little. Now I can add these to the list:

Resolution Audio Opus 21
Cary CD-308 (Cary has several CD and DVD players w/variable out)
Quad 99 CDP
Sony 707ES
Linn Genki has two sets of variable outputs
APL 3910
You can add Modwright's 999ES and 9000ES players to the list as well, as long as you ask for the DACT attenuator option. BTW, there'a a Modwright 999ES w/volume control listed now.

Wonderfully musical players!