CD recorder advice sought

I've read all the threads on this topic, but I am seeking fresh, current input. I want to get a CD recorder primarily to make compilations. I understand the tradeoffs between pro and consumer decks, but would prefer not to spend what it takes to get a pro model. Dual bay would be a plus but not a requirement. I want sound quality, reliability, and ease of use. Any recommendations? Thanks. --Dan
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One of the better and more affordable pro units is the HHB 830 "Burn it". Somewhere at around $550. It is built to last and is the now consider the budget reference within those in the know!
Musicdoc -- wow, are you replacing your CDP with the Marantz CDR 500 for regular CD listening? Could you describe the sonic differences between the two? (I've got a Karik, but still would be interested in what you heard.) Also, how do you like the A to D recording capability of your Marantz? Thanks, Jayson
Hi Jayson,
As I changed both my preamp and CD player within a relatively short time frame, I'm not able to give you a great compare/contrast between the Linn Genki and Marantz. Generally speaking, the Marantz is a more natural-sounding unit, and the presentation is much less two-dimensional (again the preamp may be at work here). Detail is rather good with the Marantz as well (a bit better than the Genki). Out of the box, the highs were a bit ragged, but that has ameliorated significantly with break-in. I'm using Tara Air2 between it and my Melos pre. I'm quite happy with recordings of LPs thus far - doing some tweaking with tubes and such. Overall I'm VERY satisfied with the purchase, even after seeing above that I paid more than I should have! Happy Listening, -John