Cd Recorders?

I've been toying around with the idea of getting a CD recorder. It appears that most CD recorders are not "audiophile" quality. Would that make much of a difference if you don't use the CD recorder for playback?

Furthermore, I already have a fantastic CD player so do I need a dual drive CD recorder? Finally, any thoughts about the newest CD recorders with hard drives. Do they really make things easier?
it actually makes things a little harder,because you can't copy fromn 1 cd to the next,you have to record it on the hardrive first,but the quality of recordings( i own the alesis 9600 ) is very high quality.

I bought a consumer-grade copier last year, a Pioneer PDR-W839. I found that playback quality wasn't very good, very bright and digitally. However, I found that copies made on this recorder were indistinguishable (to me) from the originals, and sounded good on a better CD player.

In other words, the copy quality can be very good, even if playback is not.

FWIW, I use Mitsui silver blanks. I have to buy the more expensive consumer ones ("pro" recorders allow using cheaper "data" blanks). I got a good deal on a lifetime supply.

Dual-tray CD recorders are easier to use -- the unit I have literally has a single button to copy from left to right -- and don't cost much, if any, more than single tray units. So I would lean that way.

If you do go single tray, make sure the connection between your CD players is direct and digital. Otherwise you have to go through the potentially crappy analog front end of the CD recorder.

My PDR-W839 is being modified currently by Stan Warren, which is a story for another time.

- Eric
Seems to me that a single tray unit (such as my TASCAM CD-RW700) is a better bet if you already have a great CDP. As noted above, use the digital rtaher than analog link. The advantage of a unit like the TASCAM is not only that you can use regular computer CDRs and RWs, but that you can dub additional digital copies rather than just the one digital dupe the consumer decks allow.