CDP Isolation?

Do you think Walker Valid Points or inner tube isolation would work better for a CD/SACD player?
I tried both the Walker Audio Valid points and the Finite Element Cerapucs on My Esoteric X03-SE. Both made a nice improvement. I thought the Cerapucs gave an imporved soundstage, bass and low level detail over the Valid Points but my comparison may have been flawed as I put the Valid Points under the chasis (leaving the three point feet free-they wobble w/o the weight of the CD player on them-free to resonate freely--I didn't think that was optimum). The Cerapucs were put right under the esoteric's three feet.

I was a little apprehensive leaving the player balanced on the valid points as I have a cleaning crew come in a few times a month-just thought I was inviting an accident. The Cerapucs are much sturdier. I moved the Valid Points to under my Masterlink (nice improvement there as well); if it crashes down to the shelf it is resting on, it's only $800 and a few pounds compared to 50 pounds on the Esoteric and $7,000.
I also like the ball bearing type devices vs. spikes or cones on my digital. I use the Aurios with the tungsten ball upgrade.
Donaudio, if you really want isolation then you can't consider metal points/cones etc. They do not provide any isolation at all. So I would say an air suspension is what you want.
Isolation? Some isolation? Total isolation? Isolation from what is floorborne? Isolation from what may be airborne. How about isolation from what is internally generated? How would you be able to attain isolation? Tom
Tom, this is all true. Any one isolation scheme doesn't answer all the problems, so you have to go by what sounds best for you.

Actually, the best isolation for a cdp I ever tried was hanging my player with fishline from the ceiling. I would like to return to that again, the problem is I have a cathedral ceiling now, makes proper mounting a much more complicated affair. Still, even this does not totally isolate from air, ceiling or internal vibration.