Changing approach operating tube based system in current telecommuting environment

Im seeking advice answering a question on whether to adjust my Audio system operations approach during the current work from home environment i find myself in for an unknown period of time. Im one of the very lucky people who has been able to relocate his office job and work from home. I know many who cant do this and find themselves out of work, so i don't take my situation for granted. I’ve moved my company office computers and telecon equipment to the “man cave” located upstairs in my home where i can work while playing music on my mid-fi music system. Here, i mostly stream Tidal smooth instrumental jazz from a Lumin D2 feeding a Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated amplifier to Goldenear speakers. Prior to working from home, i would come home from the office turn on this system, enjoy an hour or two listening to music, then turn everything off at the end of the day. Now, in the course of a 10 hour work day, i turn the system on in the morning, play backgound music, mute during multiple telecons ranging from 30 minute to 2+ hours, then turn it off at the end of the work day. So, here’s my question, sound quality aside, what is better for my systems longevity; should i turn the system (really boils down to the tube amp) off for the times i’m on telecons turning it back on afterwards, or should i just continue leaving it on the whole time as i have been and only muting or pausing the music during these telecons?

Thank you in advance for your advice.
Well first off your system is not mid-fi. Except for Tidal which is no-fi your other stuff is totally high end. Especially the Prima Luna, which is the one that has you concerned.

Which is what I just do not get. You don't know Prima Luna runs very low plate current and so their tubes tend to last a very very long time? Also if I'm not mistaken they are extremely flexible and with a tube change you could be looking at essentially lifetime tubes. But even the stock EL34s will last you a good long time. Years. Many many years. They even tell you when they go bad. Its the perfect plug and play tube amp.

Also maybe a good time to reflect and evaluate, if you're so worried about maybe having to replace a few tubes down the road some day, maybe next time get an amp with half as many. Never need the power you got anyway. No one does. You should hear how freaking loud my little integrated plays. Live and learn.
PL HP owner here.
The PL drives the tubes at the lower end of parameters. I'd just power off at the end of the day.
I've had the HP on marathon sessions for the past 5 years with the same tubes. No noticeable sonic degradation comparing fresh tubes.
Thank you for those ulta-quick responses. Yes, i understand Primaluna’s design philosophy of auto-biasing, operating at the lower end of the tubes operating power range, and ease of rolling. Those were included in my original trade studies that led to my purchasing it. Maybe Im a little sensitive to tube life as i have a Primaluna CD player that is challenging me to isolate where a transient crackle and fade periodically appear on one channel. Its aggravating and i just need to troubleshoot and isolate it to hopefully just a failing tube.  To your point millercarbon, it only has 6 tubes whereas the Dialogue HP has 14. I love and am “musically fulfilled“ with the music my current system presents. My next step (because i have the same bug everyone in Agon is aflicted with) will be upgrading speakers from the current Triton III’s to most likely either the T-Refs, or T-Ref.One’s because i love the Goldenear sound of their lower in the line-up speakers and the fact that the Primaluna only has to drive the mid’s and hi’s putting even less stress on the amp (rarely seeing 11:00)We all have a great hobby/obsession that many (including everyone else in my extended family) don't understand.  Luckily, in my case, they understand that it makes their husband, father, grandfather very happy.  And that’s not a bad thing!
Tube amps don't like to be turned on and off multiple times during the day.
I don't think your amp runs in Class A so the wear on the tubes would be minimal.