Changing from an XV1-S

Hi All

I'm considering (read hankering) for a new cartridge. I have been using a Dynavector XV1-S for a while now and although it really is good I feel that other manufacturers have overtaken this recently with units that cost a 'tad' less.

It's going on my VPI Classis/ 10.5 and the new Whest PS.30RDT Special Edition/ Conrad Johnson ART MK1/ Levinson 331 Poweramp/ JM Lab Scala Utopia. The general sound from the system is excellent to bloody brilliant BUT having just heard an Ortofon Cadenza Black in the system I am led to believe that the XV1-S technology is 'getting on'.

A friend has recommended the Ortofon A90 or Lyra Titan.
Is there anything else I should look at?

My musical tastes are wide BUT do not include Opera, Classical or choir. I like vocals but love instumentals.

Thanks for your help - if I get any :)

Don t feel emberassed about your " cheap "table , i have an even cheaper vpi and im very happy with it .
I d rather through a cd player against a wall though

I've heard of London.

It's near Liverpool.

South of Scotland.

Lots of fog.

They drive on the wrong side of the road.
[quot]I think the problem here is that nobody here has heard my system or heard what changes came about by changing the XV1-S.[/quote]

Yes, but some of us have heard much of your system. Which is why we think some of the reasoning you posted is bollocks. NO reason at all makes more sense than some of what you posted.

This horse is dead.

Good luck with your system and your new cart.
Hi DCarol,

Two countries divided by a common language.

The point I was trying to make is that "because I feel like a change" is as good a reason as any to make a change. It's your money and your musical enjoyment, and you need answer to no one.

When you start a thread on this forum, asking for advice, and priming the conversation with objective reasons however, we will hold your reasoning up to scrutiny - not because we're mean, bur rather for the benefit of everyone's knowledge base.

I'm equally subject to such scrutiny (perhaps moreso as a manufacturer/dealer) - when I think out loud here to float an idea by the group.

I hang out on a climbing forum, and when discussing our "epics" and misadventures, we're far more egoless about it than folks are here about hi-fi. I don't get it.

Thom @ Galibier
dan said -
'Yes, but some of us have heard much of your system. Which is why we think some of the reasoning you posted is bollocks. NO reason at all makes more sense than some of what you posted'

Really... how on earth can you isolate one component when listening to a whole? You may have heard my preamp but you would not know what it sounds like in my system. There are too many variables involved in audio. Your statement makes absolutely no sense at all.


The problem with forums is the lack of eye contact, hand gestures and those small things that vocalising can only do. 'I hang out on a climbing forum' - was that meant to be a pun?