Dear All,

I got hooked by the SET sound and am considering selling my Audio Research based system (REF 5 SE preamp and REF150 power) and Wilson SOPHIA 3 speakers. In exchange I would buy a level 3/4 system. M3 phono balanced input pre, P3 Tonnmeister power and AN E AN-E-SPe HE 98db or  AN-E/SPx ALNICO 95 dB speakers. 

However, considering the good quality I already have, I fear being a little downgraded. Wonder what is your opinion. 

My room allows corner placement, and has 30 m2 with 2,4 m height ceiling. 

Best regards,


I believe there are 833 amps claiming 150 wpc.  Also, the ultra rare 1610 can probably do 80 wpc.  I tend to prefer the lower wattage, non-transmitter tube SETs, but 211 and 845 amps can be quite nice sounding. 

Wavac SH-833 monoblock power amplifier Specifications


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The Wavac Sh 833 mono blocks,

Sidebar 1: Specifications

Description: Direct-heated-triode, single-ended, class-A tube monoblock power amplifier. Tube complement: one each WE437, 6550/KT88, SH-833. "Effective" power: 150W (no distortion percentage specified). Frequency range: 20Hz-100kHz. Input sensitivity: 1V. Input impedance: 100k ohms. Signal/noise ratio: >100dB (no reference level quoted).

As @larryi noted , very likely the 1610 tube is capable of considerable single tube power.


BTW the relatively common and available 805 is a DHT output tube capable of 50 watts pure class A SET.


Hi sns my monoes are the Siltech SEPA. (2004)There were only produced 15 pairs and we sololy sold to distributors over the world.

A really cost No objekt from the former Phillips ingenier Edwin van der Kley Rynveld. Who acqured  Siltech in start of the 90’.

The used tube is a special invented nuvistor type that in this configuration is making 80 W/ 8 Ohm.

The only drawbach for me is that is actually is not a ballanced design as the rest of my system. 
Several years ago i took all gear away from the middle of the speaker and placed it on the sidewall, and am going with 10mtr IC cabels, hence the need of the ballanced cabels. At High volumen simple a must.

I must admit that i love huge speakers, “there is No substitute for cubic.” also fitts well for speakers.