Thorens TD-240-2, New Open Box, $1,500
Changing from my pl600 (silver, DD) but I have shaky hands
I do realize my Pioneer pl600 is the weak in my audio chain. I currently use an ortofon 2m bronze. Considering an upgrade to a Hana mL cartridge. I fear that much more cartridge than that would outstrip my turntable’s ability, at least to be worth the additional cost.
Regarding my hands, I am 49 and have essential tremors (different than Parkinsons). For me to continue with vinyl, I fear that an automatic turntable is what I need
Regarding my other electronics, I have a gold note ds10+ and a ph10. preamp and 211s amp is new audio frontiers. Speakers are the wolf von Langa son, all on a Beaudioful rack
So I feel that the rest of my system is able to handle an analog/turntable upgrade. Given my physical limitations, is there something I am missing? For what it’s worth, I have a spare silver pl600 that is at least parts worthy
I don’t do all vinyl. I stream a lot. But I do enjoy listening to my albums
I would have sent this privately, but was unable to do so. Tremors are often a symptom with a hidden cause. Typical hidden causes to ALL health issues include parasites running rampant in one's body. Trust me, I know. Could also be related to long-term use of prescription medications for which investigate liver cleanses HTH
wvl OP
for an automatic TT, your existing PL600 TT gets some very favorable reviews, and having a spare for parts, unless something else appeals, it may be best to simply keep it and go for a new cartridge, perhaps MC, perhaps add a SUT if needed to use your existing MM Phono.