Cheap tweak from Virtual Dynamics:

Has anyone seen the short video from Virtual Dynamics showing the owner replacing all his speaker screws with all brass screws? I was wondering if you could hear an improvement. It's a cheap tweak, so I thought I might go to Home Depot and try out a set. What can I lose?
We've got too much time on our hands! Brass mounting screws vs. steel, don't you wonder how much affect this can really have when their mass is so insignificant relative to their proximity or lack thereof to the voice coils magnetic field? I wish my brain could retrieve this tidbit in totality from memory, but I remember a speaker manufacturer speaking about the issue of screws, speaker mounting, and mdf. It may have been the owner of Magico in a recent Stereophile or Absolute Sound issue. Anyway... he talked about the dangers and deficiencies of using mdf as cabinet material because of it's propensity for losing ability to lock screw threads with the stresses of constant vibration and the passage of time. No doubt part of his spiel is self serving, but as someone with a bit of experience fabricating sculpture and furniture, I can attest to the potential for weakened threads if you back out and replace screws in mdf. Personally, I think the dangers likely outweigh the potential rewards. At the very least, I'd think about putting the speaker on it's back side after removing the screws and reinforcing the thread walls with tiny amounts of thin superglue applied with a needle applicator.
You are right about those fasteners in use with mdf. I dipped my brass screws in Cascade Audio paste. The paste product is like concrete when it drys and it is drawn into the pores of the wood or mdf. When my Dunlavys were in use I sealed all reachable internal surfaces with Cascade. Major hours and pain endured. When I was finished with this part of the project, the stage was wall to wall or 21 feet wide. New brass fasteners ideally should have a deeper cut thread to reach further into the wood surface. Brass around the tweeter dome and all crossover standoffs and fasteners should be brass..There is a sonic difference..certainly cleaner more articulate and less confused..Tom
I thought I was an audiophile nut, but I just can't bring myself to try this one. At 52, I must have reached the end of that perfect sound quest.....until something else comes around.....

Experiencing the audible advantages that brass has added to floor mounted musical instruments, I believe that the active harmonic structurer of brass fasteners in relation to the mass of a speaker cabinet would be a benefit. The extraneous active vibration of the driver would be drawn away, to and thru, by the low impedance reactive nature of the brass material and grounded to the much higher mass of the speaker cabinet. It would then be up to the owner to properly terminate or ground the speaker to the flooring surface a much greater mass again. Tom
Whatever else you do, don't buy the brass screws from Lowe's or Home Depot. During some repair work to back door, while gently easing in--i.e. *not* high torque--a longish brass screw bought from Lowe's it just sheared off.