Check this out.


Interesting. 24.XX each.

Post removed 

Nice that someone opened up the mystery a "premium" fuse, so you can at least see what is in it. I like to see the innards of all gear before buying. "it sounds good or better" alone means nothing. It still may or may not "sound better" or even be a good value.  Or do what fuses are made to do in the first place and self-destruct when needed. It always depends. Just the facts maam...

Hay guys I’m just nosey. There was a guy that chimed in a while back and had some really good input. He/She was and had been tinkering with different fuse concoctions.. I find it amazing, the time and effort that goes into some of these things... BUT I’m a born tinker.

ebm I’ll try a little harder on the entertainment, if you’ll expand beyond 3 lines.
I suspect all of the words, in ALL your post would add up to: Two of Master M. 3 of MC and depending on my meds, I could be ahead or behind them both but still exceed all the words ever written by Mr. ebm with just 4-5 post max. The 14th apostle, man of few word. His written works were written on the last page at the bottom.

The 67th book of the Bible "ebm"

Chapter 1 verse 1: Another STUPID thread. Get a life!!


PS I think there are 5 verses maybe 6.

Get a life

oldhvymec OP
