Choice between two different integrated tube amps (SET & PP)

I'm interested in two different integrated amps that I can get locally.

One is the Primaluna Dialogue HP and the other is the Willsenton R800i.

The Primaluna is a PP setup with EL34's and the Willsenton is a SET amp with 805 tubes.  The Primaluna has upgraded pre-amp tubes but stock EL34's, the Willsenton has all stock tubes and the chifi tubes are trash, so would need to be upgraded.  The Primaluna is $3k and the Willsenton is $2k but will need quite a bit spent on new tubes, so they are pretty much the same price.

Anybody have experience with either?  Have read great reviews of each of them.  I'll take other recommendations too but the requirements are a tube integrated under $3k that has home theater bypass.


I own several pieces of Quicksilver.    Bang for the buck is off the charts in my opinion.    Mid Monos ?   Awesome amps....  you are not too far away budget wise ...pair them with the remote pre with bypass and you have a killer combo.

Maybe Raven,  Rogue.....

Buy American, you can do it with your budget

PP will give you more flexibiliuty on speaker choices

SET usually sounds better but your limited on speaker choice.


Line Magnetic 845 Premium Version works better then the chinese import version, better parts and transformer.


LM Stuff is very good just stick to a dealer when buying Line Magnetic too many people have been burned going direct to China and ending up with junk.

You may also want to consider the Black Ice Audio F-35 integrated.

Underwoodhifi has them new for $2,600.00

I currently own the Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated that I run with KT120 tubes, it sounds very smooth in UL.

I also own the Black Ice F-36 that I am running with the 6550 tubes, not as smooth or powerful as the Primaluna but still very good, it also makes for a good Headphone amp.

I just picked up the Decware Zen TORRI Mk5 around Thanksgiving and all I can say is that this amp is my favorite even if it does not put out over 20 - 25 watts with the KT77 tubes, it is more than powerful enough to fill my room  12' X 20' at only 5-10 watts which is very loud.

Ultimately only you and your ears can tell you what sounds best.

Good luck and keep on listening.

My speakers are Tekton Double Impacts which are rated at 98 db, would think they would pair well with SET amps. 20 watts would be plenty.

I don’t care where the amp is made, reliability doesn’t depend on that but dealer or service network does.

Also I mentioned before but I absolutely have to have HT bypass too. 

appreciate all the recommendations 

My point is the American brands I mentioned in your price point are not only better but they all can be serviced.   I believe they are inherently.more reliable because they use better parts.   Buying a Chinese amp with no support network is a recipe for disappointment.