You may also want to consider the Black Ice Audio F-35 integrated.
Underwoodhifi has them new for $2,600.00
I currently own the Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated that I run with KT120 tubes, it sounds very smooth in UL.
I also own the Black Ice F-36 that I am running with the 6550 tubes, not as smooth or powerful as the Primaluna but still very good, it also makes for a good Headphone amp.
I just picked up the Decware Zen TORRI Mk5 around Thanksgiving and all I can say is that this amp is my favorite even if it does not put out over 20 - 25 watts with the KT77 tubes, it is more than powerful enough to fill my room 12' X 20' at only 5-10 watts which is very loud.
Ultimately only you and your ears can tell you what sounds best.
Good luck and keep on listening.