Chord Dave

It won't be for everyone. I'm not saying it's the best. I've owned several DACs and after owning the Dave for a couple of weeks all I can say is WOW! This is the closest to hearing a night and day difference between components that I've experienced. The Dave differentiates between recording venues better than anything I've owned. Detail, soundstage, air, vocals, attack and dynamics are truly outstanding. I'm saying all of this and I'm using the standard power cord. If you're looking for a new DAC, give the Dave a listen.  

I have a Gryphon Diablo 300 with a Chord Dave and prefer the Dave without the m-scaler.  To my ears the sound was very smooth, but I missed the dynamics as well.  Similar to your experience.    I’m sure many out there will love the relaxed presentation, though.

I've compared the Hugo TT mk2 to the Dave in my system. To my ears there is a easily discernible difference between the two. I submit most people wouldn't be able to live with the TT mk2 after hearing them in the same system.

ricred 1,

Thanks for your input about the Hugo TT2. I thought they might have been closer in sound to each other , but makes sense that they are not considering price difference.


Someone told me a long time ago,  companies have price points for a reason. Sure there are dimensining returns, but a company's top of the line component sounds better than everything below it. Is the difference between the two worth it is a question only you can answer.