Chord Hugo power supply help

I just moved and mixed up all of my wall warts...
Several fit the Hugo but I was warned to only use the factory one.  My original power supply never said Chord on it.  Any help identifying the correct one please.  Can I use a different 12volt psu?
Well, aside from buying from Hugo, iFi makes some very nice audiophile wall warts.

Check the current requirements. The Hugo should have something on it like "12 V 1.5A" or something. Make sure V are the same, and that your power supply A is equal or greater than what Hugo wants.

Based on the website, 12V, 0.5 A will work. If you like to leave it plugged in, this is a very nice options:

If you want something absolutely killer though ....

You would have to roll your own power cable though, it has banana jacks on the back.
Hi Guys, thanks for trying.  It's easy to find one that should work.  However, I was told Chord requires their own PS for some unknown reason.  I'm hoping a Chord dealer can jump in here.
I would love to upgrade to a more robust PS if it's worth it.  There are plenty of higher quality ones available than the $5 wart that came with a $2000 DAC.
"Make sure V are the same, and that your power supply A is equal or greater than what Hugo wants."

I don't think you can go too much higher in the amps than what is specified for the unit.
P=VI, 12Vx1.5A= 18 Watts. That's the power requirement.

Is your Hugo the original battery powered version?  If so, I can supply the info from the power supply/charger from my Hugo.