CJ PV14 or Audible Illusions Modulus 3A?

I've finally narrowed a decision down to these two preamps. Looking for feedback based on experience with either as far as sound quality, build quality, etc. and especially if anyone's compared the two directly


Sketchey.......  no money to refund?   Sounds like they are on the brink of bankruptcy....   Do a charge back on your CC and force his hand.


Oddiofyl, that sounds like a good idea but … look into the time limits your credit card may have with regard to filing a dispute.

I didn’t know either.

I said I would post if Audible Illusions issued a refund. Well, here I am. I was happily surprised with a receipt for a full refund this morning. What a relief.

I just purchased a used AI M3a here and it sounds phenomenal.  I took the chance well aware of the problems everyone has with Art.  Such a bummer.  I saw somewhere that Ben Jacoby out of NYC does upgrades and repairs.  I think I will go that route if I have a problem.  But damn does this preamp sound beautiful.