CJ PV14 or Audible Illusions Modulus 3A?

I've finally narrowed a decision down to these two preamps. Looking for feedback based on experience with either as far as sound quality, build quality, etc. and especially if anyone's compared the two directly


The 14 is an excellent preamp. Good choice if you can buy it right.  I had a buddy with an early AI ....  nightmare getting it back from repair.  Like others have said , read up on Audible Illusions.   Sounds great. Service is slooowwwww

I posted this earlier on another thread:



I want to warn people about doing business with Audible Illusions. I initiated a trade in on July 17, 2021. I made the final payment for the new unit on August 16, 2021 when Art told me that the new preamp would “ship by the end of the week.”

It did not ship by the end of the week. Nor did it ship by the end of that month. I spoke to Art in the first week of every month since then and he kept telling me that it would “ship by the end of the month.”

It’s now January, 2022 and I still don’t have the unit. I told Art that I’ve decided I don’t want to deal with him anymore and that I want a refund. He refused to give me a refund and told me that he doesn’t have any money to refund. He called me back about 20 min later and pleaded with me to take the new unit which he said he’ll “ship by the end of the month.” I told him please not to send the unit (I don’t believe his promises anymore anyway) because I just want my money back at this point. He said during this second phone conversation that he’d do his best to refund my money “by the end of the month.”

There are many companies out there. Please think twice about working with Audible Illusions. I have been mislead pretty much from the word go.

In the interest of being fair I will post if and when I get a refund.

Sketchey.......  no money to refund?   Sounds like they are on the brink of bankruptcy....   Do a charge back on your CC and force his hand.


Oddiofyl, that sounds like a good idea but … look into the time limits your credit card may have with regard to filing a dispute.

I didn’t know either.