Clarity Caps vs Kimber kaps

looking to upgrade my B&W 602s3s
Here's the place to buy the Claritycaps. And make sure they are the new, blue-colored MR caps. Much more expensive, but well worth it.:

You can find MR's from for half of Madisound's price. The only downfall is that they're overseas and shipping can take a few weeks.
Here's another source in England for Claritycap MR:

ClarityCap MR's will be catching on in a big way once their exposure is a little greater.
I think you're right, Mazda-Man. I currently have the MR caps in the outputs of my TP 2.0n preamp with a little over 250 hours on them and I am going through an ear-opening experience. These MR caps just keep getting better with time.