6 watts is quite a lot of class A power. Given that most decently recorded music has a peak:average ratio of ~ 10 or more, that means that peaks would be 60 watts if you were, on average running in class A.
And 6W is a lot of power! (surprisingly). As a designer i put a lot of experimental (read that: could blow up) stuff in my system with very expensive speakers. So i have fused adapters pretty much all the time. I use 1A fuses. Which means that they blow > 8W. They never blow.
And 6W is a lot of power! (surprisingly). As a designer i put a lot of experimental (read that: could blow up) stuff in my system with very expensive speakers. So i have fused adapters pretty much all the time. I use 1A fuses. Which means that they blow > 8W. They never blow.