High biased push/pull Class-A sound when all is correct, has an ease to it, almost like you need to turn it up.
Complementary output transistors like Bi-Polar’s generally will punch far more current than complementary Mosfets can.
If both are used in push/pull high biased Class-A like these amps you mentioned, you’ll find the Bi-Polar output amp able to drive far more taxing speaker loads, and therefore sound have a lot more punch when needed into those speakers.
Pass and Accuphase use Mosfets and a Gryphon uses Bi-Polar output transistors, on speakers like most all Wilsons ect ect, I would suggest watt for watt the Gryphon’s
Cheers George
High biased push/pull Class-A sound when all is correct, has an ease to it, almost like you need to turn it up.
Complementary output transistors like Bi-Polar’s generally will punch far more current than complementary Mosfets can.
If both are used in push/pull high biased Class-A like these amps you mentioned, you’ll find the Bi-Polar output amp able to drive far more taxing speaker loads, and therefore sound have a lot more punch when needed into those speakers.
Pass and Accuphase use Mosfets and a Gryphon uses Bi-Polar output transistors, on speakers like most all Wilsons ect ect, I would suggest watt for watt the Gryphon’s
Cheers George