Class A Solid State Sound

Would someone kindly describe the differences in class A sound of Pass XA.8 series, Accuphase A-70/75 series, and Gryphon class A amplifiers. Does much or any of the differences relate to mosfet (Pass and Accuphase) or bipolar (Gryphon)  output devices?  Thank you!


BS Kosst, you can’t get complementary mosfets to do current like complimentary bi-polars can into low impedances! End of story!!

That’s why power amps  that are crowned  "amperage masters", are all bi-polar.

And "if" one owns say a pair of Wilson Alexia (0.9ohm EPDR), there you will see the advantage that bi-polars can give.
EG: Gryphon Anitllion Evo mono
175w Class-A into 8ohms
1400w into 1ohm
7500w peak into 1/4ohm
Sorry Kosst, there is no way complementary Mosfets can do these sort of figures.

Cheers George
I have a re-capped Krell KSA-200S and was wondering if it was bi-polar?

I also have a Krell KSA-250 (OLDER MODEL) & was wondering if that had bi-polar transistors (I think it does).

I like the sound of the old Krells, but some say that some of the newer amp designs are better. I need stability to 1 ohm (Martin Logan ESLs).
I had KMA 100s. Old Krells are all Bipolar output stages. Wonderful amps until one blew.
 I’ve heard diverse opinions on “pure” (non-bridged) class A monoblock amplifiers (Such as Antileon Evo Monoblocks and others) vs bridged class A Monoblocks (like Clayton M300 bridged internally by the designer or Luxman A600 in BTL mode (bridge tied load) 
Many feel the non bridged Monoblocks are better sounding, when output devices from the two channels are summed in Parallel vs Bridging the two channels.  Thoughts or technical explanations?