Class Action Suit against UPS?

How many of us are getting our Audio Equipment Destroyed by United Parcel Service. A brand new BAT amp claim was denied even though UPS lost it for two weeks. Although FEDX costs more, they take better care of Audio Equipment. Anyone having problems with UPS?
Hey, no prob,Axomoxa! I was just asking if anyone has had damage when shipping DHL. Maybe I was subcontiously trying to stir up something by mentioning the "B" word (mmmm and I thought that there was only one "B" word) Just remember, breath........ hey, there's another ! :-)
Angela, you weren't the only one who had that thought (the apparent symetry in those two threads). DHL is more expensive than UPS or Fed-Ex. Levinson is also more expensive than Sony. Most people claim there's no difference between Levinson and Sony, or that the difference doesn't merit the price. Just some points to consider.
I Love UPS!! They are keeping people employed who use to be pushing all their belongings down the street in a Grocery Cart.
Robba ~ how many folks you think own levinson as compared to Sony? Just like how many people ship fed x as compared to DHL? A no brainer. Fed x and UPS work well for most people, just a few levison types who feel that by paying more they neccessarily get better. I have never in all my years in this hobby had somebody say Levison sounds just like Sony. Only a fool would say that, so I am not sure what your point is. Futher, in your pro-DHL view, I doubt that you can provide any evidence that DHL in any way exceeds Fed x or UPS. Can you? That may be your opinion but it is just that, an opinion. Will all the folks who ship DHL exclusively please step forward so we can see who you are? Rather than ranting any further about this, I would like to make a suggestion which may save you some time. Rather than the time and expense of a class action lawsuit, don't you think it would be better to package gear more carefully (double boxed) Use fed x for fragile, ups for non-fragile, have your shipment insured for the full amount of replacement (I think it cost me like 12 buck to insure my 2K amp), save yourself a few bucks and let god handle the rest? I know I will be sitting here listening to my amp while you worry about class acton lawsuits and what simple measures you forgot to take before having your gear shipped. Just some other points to consider.
hi robba,

most people don't even know what levinson *is*, let alone whether or not one sounds better than the other. those who *do* know what it is, surely claim there's a difference between the two. those who don't think the difference merits the price - they don't get off on music-listening.

doug *doesn't get off on shipping* sedon ;~)