In my third system I own the following gear, which I know most people would be jealous about:
Gryphon APEX Monos
CH Precision L1 dual Line Stage
dCS Vivaldi APEX DAC stack
Wilson Audio WAMM Master Chronosonic
All cabling is Nordost Odin 2
This system sounds so alive that I have stopped attending to concerts. But you are correct - Class D sounds so lousy. Forget about it.
@milpai , nice stuff you've got....i've cycled through all kinds of gear, but, my true breakthrough in high end audio happened after discovering the ACDA treatment options from Aoustic Fields. I literally tossed all my prior treatments in the trash after I found this stuff. It is not cheap, but, at your level of gear, I would seriously recommend these guys for room treatment. Don't waste any cash on all the other crap out there w.r.t room treatments. A guy will truly understand the criticality of competent treatment when he experiences it (you will hear things impossible with any level of gear on its own).