Class D for a Tube Lover

First, I'm sure this has been asked many times but searching the subject wasn't too helpful to me.

So apologies in advance.

I enjoy tubed electronics and class A amps, which tend to be a bit warm.  My current Cary 805s warm my small (12x16) music room even in the cool/cold of winter.  I've got other amps that don't produce much heat, but am looking for something that produces no heat.  Living in a home with no central AC the room gets uncomfortably hot during the summer months.

So...I'd like to try some Class D amps.  Stereo or mono is just fine.  And my speakers aren't difficult to drive so I don't need a thousand watts.  But if that thousand watt amp sounds great, I'm not adverse to that, either.

I'd like to keep the price under 2k used.  

Please help.


If you live around a bigger city, you will likely find some discounted Peachtree products on Facebook Marketplace. If you don't like the sound, you can resell it for around the same price you bought for. Peachtree seems to be one of the most discounted product lines at your price point with a healthy resale market (in comparison to Cambridge Audio for NAD, say). 
I bought a ps audio S300 to use while my Musical Reference RM9 mkii (the best tube amp these ears ever heard) was being repaired... I thought I’d sell it once repaired. However, I kept it and sold my tube amp.

Does the S300 sound as good as that tube amp...? NO. However, I was shocked at how close it came.

It probably helps that I am feeding it with a really nice tube linestage (great synergy).

Ignore those that are making blanket statements against class D.

I didn’t like earlier class D sound either...but at least PS Audio.... and possibly others are now getting some incredible sound out of class D.

I don’t miss the tube replacement costs, heat, the weight, or the extra consumption of energy of tube amps.

My experience is that you can have the best of both worlds... With a nice tube pre.

I never realized the likes of Audio Research, Rogue or even PS Audio had Class D amps in their caralogue.  So many brands and models I've never heard of.  Looks like I'll have a lot to look into.  

I've got quite a few different speakers that get rotated out (Dunlavy SC-I, JMR Trente, LS50, Totem M1S, Merlin TSM, C&C Abby, blah blah).  I counted yesterday as I had to rearrange where the speakers are stored and I have 20 pairs.  Stupid, I realize.

So an amp that's able to drive a good variety of speakers is a must.
I primarily listen through Cary tube amps but on a whim, I purchased a Bel Canto Evo2 for my LaScalas. It runs stone cold and provides an incredibly black background with a slightly warm presentation. Sufficient power and nuance to pair with Harbeths and DeVores as well.

I have not figured out whether it is classified as a Class N or Class T. A 300b its not, but I am impressed enough to kick myself for not buying one sooner.
Having been among the very first to order a Voyager, well over 1 year ago, and having heard the many reports that it would be ready by X date, I would not hold my breath that it will be released by the end of May

Now, what you might do is check out what EVS is doing with the Purifi or Rogue amps as a possible stopgap, or just to chill with for several years, if not longer. Many of you know, I bought his EVS 1200 based on IcePower dual mono AS1200 class D modules, and still extremely happy that I did so