Class D is just Dandy!

I thought it was time we had a pro- Class D thread. There's plenty of threads about comparisons, or detractors of Class D.

That's fine, you don't have to like Class D amps, and if you don't please go participate on one of those threads.

For those of us who are very happy and excited about having musical, capable amps that we can afford to keep on 24/7 and don't require large spaces to put them in, this thread is for you.

Please share your experiences with class D amps!

Sorry, but there has NOT been significant strides in class D since then -- has there? If some of the legendary names in amp design aren't good enough, what would be?

I don't think that you quite get it,

There hasn't yet been a perfect amp designed or probably will never be that satisfys everyone's ears in the Sonics that each of us individually desire.

I can fully assure you that I will always have great respect for these legendary names in amp design.

I will comment on Nelson's Amps,
Over the years I have owned many of his designs starting with the 400a and several other Thresholds,Pass Aleph 30 and Aleph 2 mono's, x-150,Xa-30.8 and then building the F5 from him graciously giving to the Diy community,The last owned and recently sold was the J2.I fully enjoyed every one of them,But the class D amps that I have now Satisfy my ears with the least shortcomings of any Amp I have ever owned in my 30 yrs in this hobby.

Comparing class a amps to class d amps is like comparing apples to oranges,which one is better is always going to be highly subjective.

At the end of the day,
It's all about the music and getting closer to it.


I don't have to be nice to people who are being nasty, so I'm not being nice to you anymore. You are the most transparent hater in the long list of transparent haters, and I know haters.

You previously stated you know almost nothing about Class D but now you claim to be an expert and want to bashing all the contributions of almost everyone else in this thread. I take offense at you coming in here and deliberately starting trouble. I trust the contributors. I value their input, and clearly you want to ignore all of us or call us poor judges of music and sound, which I find a personal insult to me and everyone here.

I have two questions for you:

1 - What is your income source? Are you in the audio industry or do you own a store or sell audio equipment online?

2 - Why don't you just come out, make peace with whatever point you want to make and leave us alone.  You have put a tremendous amount of emotional energy contributing nothing but hatred and bashing a technology. 
What happened? Did a class D amp fall out of the sky and kill your dog as a child?


"I have a new Red Dragon S500....

Kenny, I tried this amp recently with my B&W 800D2’s. While it sounded wonderfully adequate in low end and detailed in mid’s /high’s, it didn’t quite push the 800’s the way my current amp does from ATI 544NC. In addition to being detailed, the 544NC drives the low end with such brute force that I have not felt the need to use my JL sub.

I would have been more than content with S500 if I owned the B&W 802’s. When I spoke to Ryan Tew of RDA, he recommended using a pair of S500 in bridge mode to drive my 800D2’s.

Got one more amp on my list of audition before I happily settle with my choice of class D amp.  Getting closer to sit back and enjoy the music :-) 
I haven't used my s-500 dragon very much,I have week old speakers so I'm using my 600m's because I know their sound and they have plenty of hrs on them.

I think you would be happier with a pair of dragons with your 800 d2's.I'm not that familiar with the Ati amps,they look very good though.I think they need more pwr then one s-500 can provide.

I'm personally looking at the Ps audio 700's mono's and maybe the Bhk preamp.I will let the dust settle and see what more user impressions have to say.

Overall very satisfied with my canto's for now.
