Class D Technology

So I get the obvious strengths of Class D. Efficiency, power output & running cool which allows for small form factors. I also understand the weaknesses somewhat. 1. Non-linear & lots of distortion that needs to be cleaned up with an output filter. 
So my question is, if it weren't for efficiency & power, would there be any reason to own a Class D amp? Do they beat Class A in any other categories that count for sound quality?  
Had anyone owned various Class D amps and settled on one magical enough to made you feel like you "couldn't wait to get home and listen" for hours (not from a sweet spot) but just throughout the house as you went about home life?
I am very happy with my Wyred4sound MarkII poweramp.
I am driving Wilson Sophia speakers.
Just received a new pair of Theta Digital Prometheus mono blocks to replace my Simaudio amps. They were a little more money than some other class d amps,but so far I am very impressed with them.
The Esoteric I-03 Class D integrated is one of the best implementations of a Class D integrated amplifier ever made!  BOLD WORDS for a stellar integrated.  MSRP was $12,000.00.

With all that said, I don’t think the snobby audiophiles went for it.

To my ears it is without equal!
I have used the Bel Canto Ref600 mono amps for almost 5 years now, currently driving a pair of ATC SCM 19v2 loudspeakers. 99.9% of the time I don’t detect any issues with their performance. Perhaps that 0.1% anomaly could be attributed to their Class D design, but I can’t say with absolute certainty. What I can say is I agree with what some others have said concerning the synergy between the amps and loudspeakers (a relatively flat impedance curve is optimal), and power source and power cables also come into play. I am pretty discerning and sensitive to the quantity of the sound of my system, and I have tried other amps, but the fact that I continue to stick with the Bel Canto Ref600 mono amps for almost 5 years now speaks for itself. Their sound quality was only reinforced after I purchased their new E1X controller/DAC. So I guess you could say I am biased, but as the old saying goes, “the proof is in the pudding”, and I am really enjoying my system.

Happy listening, and remember to enjoy the music!