Class D vs Class A

Valvet 3.5 vs Nuforce ref 9 v3se.
Efficient and powerful vs power hungry and sweet consider pairing with Zen Adagios.Considering switch from Nuforce to Valvet will I miss the power?
My experience with driving NuForce SEs with an updated Audible Illusions Modulus 3A was that the preamplifier simply added far too much of it's own character and noise. Amp, preamp compatibility is most likely at the root of my dissatisfaction so this is not a blanket statement against tube preamps.

Understandably, this could be very desirable. When I substituted the AI with my current Reflection Audio Quantum the presentation opened up dramatically. The NuForce amplifiers are extremely quiet when driven by a battery powered preamplifier.

Also, I suggest experimenting with star grounding when using switching amplifiers.

excuse my ignorance but, what do you mean with "star grounding"? how do you "experiment" it with switching amplifiers?

Jdec, on the contrary, pardon my less than qualified attempt at explaining star grounding.

Essentially, everything gets plugged into a single power source, such as a power strip, sharing a single ground.

As switching amplifier technology progresses we are seeing less and less of the RF and EMI issues that some early designs produced which seemed to pollute the AC line.

If you are using different legs (breakers) of an AC system to power a system simply try using only one leg.
I have Zen Adagio's, powered by Channel Islands D-200 Class D amps, Jolida fusion tube pre-amp on top. I find combo wonderful. I like the dynamic punch of class D amps and combined with the tube pre-amp (beautiful mids) sounds great to me
I am very happy now with the Nuforce Hovland combo in front of the Adagios.Eventually I'd like to get Crescendos so my amps should still drive them without a problem.I am in the process of setting up an analog rig,I just picked up a Ultimate upgraded Thorens TD126 mk11 with 103R Denon.That should hold me til I get the big Zens.Will keep listening and posting.