Classic Rock Fans?

Just wondering if anybody out there is still into CTA, ELP, DC5, ISB, EWF, ELO, AWB, PS&G, MC5, QSM, BTO, CSN&Y, SHF, WB&L, GMF, TYA, CC&R, AC/DC or FYC? Back in the day when bands were bands.
You guys got to get Fleetwood Mac's "Boston Tea Party - Vol 1". This is from January, 1970, and is the original blues group with Peter Green. Excellent sense of a live concert.

By the way, just today I picked up The Best of Traffic, Delaney and Bonnie and Friends, and Deep Purple Live on the BBC which includes "Hush" (the single release, not a live version). Also picked up "The Frost - Live"...see, I'm a Detroit boy.
How about Don Henley when he was with the Eagles?
(drummer + curly perm) ;)

LOL! (It wasn't quite long enough, though!)
I have Bob Seger Ramblin Gamlin Man, Mongrel and Seven on original CD's . The sound is very good. I believe Capitol Records pulled these soon after they were released.

I have Noah, Brand New Moring, and Back in 72 on CDR's from Pristine LP's.

I also have some unleased Seger stuff on CD's like a 9 minute Heavy Music,and Looking back and others .
Oh yeah I almost forgot , I also have copies of Persecution Smith , East side story and many others songs when he was with The Last Heard.

I don't know why he has not released a boxed set of his old stuff. The Downriver Detroit boys ( myself included ) thought of him as a Rock god back then.

To me his earlier music realy rocked !
Not really a fan of the MC5 but did like their, I think, 2nd album with short rockin' tunes that sounded a bit like late 50s rock. I did, just last week, pick up a CD of The Frost's live album...don't know if you've ever heard of them. Got it at Dearborn Music in Michigan which also carries a CD with both of Savage Grace's albums and the remastering is quite good.