After Christmas, I do indeed feel like twoleftEATS.
So, of the five Sterndale Bennett concertos, the vote goes to #4.
Curiously, the recording I have isn't on Hyperion but Unicorn-Kanchana. The pianist is well known to me, Malcolm Binns, but I was surprised to find the rousing accompaniment was provided by none other than the Milton Keynes Chamber Orchestra (!!!). This may be lost on those of you (the fortunate) who have never been to Milton Keynes. Fine recording too, full bodied and very present, though the solo piano in the filler Fantasia could sound a little tinny in places, likely the fault of the instrument itself, as the recording seems otherwise very faithful.
So, of the five Sterndale Bennett concertos, the vote goes to #4.
Curiously, the recording I have isn't on Hyperion but Unicorn-Kanchana. The pianist is well known to me, Malcolm Binns, but I was surprised to find the rousing accompaniment was provided by none other than the Milton Keynes Chamber Orchestra (!!!). This may be lost on those of you (the fortunate) who have never been to Milton Keynes. Fine recording too, full bodied and very present, though the solo piano in the filler Fantasia could sound a little tinny in places, likely the fault of the instrument itself, as the recording seems otherwise very faithful.